this number has 4 places to the right of the decimal point. It has 2 hundredths, 3 then thousandths, and 1 tenth. It is in between 240 and 242. The thousandths place is one less than the ten thousandths and less than the hundresths.

What are six numbers that match this data?


how do you did it problem

To find the six numbers that match the given data, let's break down the information provided step by step:

1. "This number has 4 places to the right of the decimal point." This means that the number has a decimal point followed by four digits.

2. "It has 2 hundredths, 3 then thousandths, and 1 tenth." Based on this, we can determine the digits in the hundredths, thousandths, and tenths places. In this case, the number is in the form of _ _ . 0 3 _ 2, where the first blank represents the hundreds place and the second blank represents the ones place.

3. "It is in between 240 and 242." The number lies between 240 and 242, which ensures that the number is greater than 240 and less than 242.

4. "The thousandths place is one less than the ten thousandths and less than the hundredths." This information helps us determine the value of the missing digits. Since the thousandths digit is one less than the ten thousandths and less than the hundredths, the digits can only be 1 and 0.

Combining these pieces of information, let's find the six numbers that match this data:

1. 240.0312
2. 240.0310
3. 240.0412
4. 240.0410
5. 241.0312
6. 241.0310

These six numbers satisfy the given conditions.