Im sorry for asking another question but is their a website where i can find what provisions in the constitution ensure that each of these purposes is achieved?

-form a more perfect union
-establish justice
-insure domestic tranquility
-provide for the common defense
-promote the general welfare
-secure the blessings of liberty
i wouldnt know where to start looking. |:

This time you have to use your knowledge and judgment to determine whether these have been achieved.

Do we have a better country than we do before?

Do we have justice?

Thank you once again. (:

No problem at all! A great resource to find the provisions in the constitution that ensure the achievement of the purposes you mentioned is the Constitution itself. The Constitution of the United States is available for free online on various websites. One reliable source is the official website of the United States National Archives, which provides the full text of the Constitution along with annotations and explanations.

Here is how you can find the relevant provisions in the Constitution:
1. Start by visiting the official website of the United States National Archives at
2. Look for the section on their website that provides access to the Constitution. It may be listed under "Documents" or "Our Documents."
3. Once you find the Constitution, click on it to access the full text.
4. Within the Constitution, there are specific sections and articles that address the purposes you mentioned. For instance, the Preamble establishes the goals of forming a more perfect union, establishing justice, and ensuring domestic tranquility. Article I, Section 8 outlines the powers of Congress, including providing for the common defense and promoting the general welfare. The Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments) secures various individual liberty rights.

By reading through the Constitution, you will find different provisions that directly or indirectly support each of the listed purposes. The provisions are spread throughout the document, so it's important to read and analyze the relevant sections in context.

If you prefer a more detailed analysis or explanations, you can also search for constitutional law textbooks or legal websites that delve into the specific provisions and their interpretations.

Remember, understanding the Constitution and its provisions can be complex, so taking the time to study and seek additional resources can help you grasp the full extent of its provisions and their relationship to the purposes you mentioned.