please go step by step to better understand

if x,y,z are three different real numbers with y/x-z=x+y/z=x/y, evaluate x/y

To evaluate the value of x/y, we need to solve the given equations step by step.

Step 1: Start by simplifying the equations.

Given equations:
1. y/x - z = x + y/z
2. x + y/z = x/y

Step 2: Let's work with the second equation (equation 2) first.

Multiply both sides of equation 2 by y to eliminate the denominators:
x*y + y/z * y = x

x*y + y^2/z = x

Step 3: Now, let's work with the first equation (equation 1).

Rearrange equation 1 to isolate z:
y/x - x = z + y/z

Multiply both sides of equation 1 by x to eliminate the denominators:
y - x^2 = xz + y

Rearrange to isolate z:
xz = y - x^2 - y
xz = -x^2

Step 4: Substitute the value of xz from equation 1 into equation 2.

Substitute -x^2 for xz in equation 2:
x*y + y^2/z = x
x*y + y^2/(-x^2) = x

Step 5: Let's simplify the equation further.

Multiply both sides by -x^2 to eliminate the denominators:
-xy^2 - y^2 = -x^3

Rearrange to isolate x:
x^3 - xy^2 = y^2

Step 6: Solve for x/y.

Divide both sides by y^2:
(x^3 - xy^2)/y^2 = 1

Now, let x/y = A:
(x^3 - x(A^2))/A^2 = 1

x^3 - x(A^2) = A^2

Step 7: Let's solve this equation.

Since we want to find the value of x/y, we can substitute A for x/y:
(x/y)^3 - (x/y)(A^2) = A^2

(x^3/y^3) - (x/y)(A^2) = A^2

Multiply through by y^3 to eliminate the denominators:
x^3 - xy(A^2) = y^3(A^2)

Rearrange by isolating x:
x^3 - xy(A^2) = y^3(A^2)
x(x^2 - y(A^2)) = y^3(A^2)

We can now solve for x/y:
A = (x/y) = y^3(A^2)/(x^2 - y(A^2))

Step 8: Substitute the value of A back into the equation.

Plug in A = (x/y), we get:
(x/y) = y^3[(x/y)^2]/(x^2 - y[(x/y)^2])

Simplifying further:
(x/y) = (y^3(x/y)^2)/(x^2 - y(x/y)^2)

Multiply through by y to get rid of the fraction:
x = y^4(x/y)^2/(x^2 - y(x/y)^2)

Rearrange and solve for (x/y):
(x/y)(x^2 - y(x/y)^2) = y^4(x/y)^2
(x(x^2) - y(x/y)^2) = y^4(x/y)^2

(x^3 - y^3(x/y)^2) = y^4(x/y)^2
(x^3 - y^3(x^2)/y^2) = y^4(x^2)/y^2
(x^3 - x^2*y) = y^4(x^2)/y^2

Divide through by x to solve for x/y:
x^2 - xy = y^4(x^2)/y^2
x^2 - y = y^2(x^2)/y^2
x^2 - y = x^2

Rearrange and simplify:
x^2 - x^2 = y
0 = y

Step 9: Conclusion

We have found that y = 0, which means x/y is undefined since division by zero is not defined in mathematics. Therefore, x/y does not have a numerical value in this scenario.