erin ate 1/4 of heer cookies for snack.she had 18 left in her bag. how many did she have in the bag before she had her snack?

erin ate 12 more cookies .what is the fraction total she has eatened now ?
what is the precentage of what she has eatened now?
need alll those answers in 10 min.

Erin has X cookies.

Bal. = X - X/4 = 3X/4.

3X/4 = 18,
3X = 72,
X = 24 Cookies remaining.

Bal. = 18 - 12 = 6 cookies left.

(24 - 6) / 24=18/24 = 3/4 = 0.75 = 75%

To answer the first question, we need to find out how many cookies Erin had in her bag before she ate 1/4 of them. We can use the information given that she had 18 cookies left after eating 1/4.

To solve this, we'll use the concept of finding a fraction of a number. We know that 1/4 of the cookies were eaten, which means that 3/4 of the cookies are left. So, if she had 18 cookies left that represents 3/4 of the total number of cookies, we can set up an equation to solve for the total number of cookies:

3/4 * Total Number of Cookies = 18

To solve for the total number of cookies, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 3/4, which is 4/3:

(Total Number of Cookies) = 18 * (4/3)

Simplifying the fraction gives us:

(Total Number of Cookies) = 24

Therefore, Erin had a total of 24 cookies in her bag before eating 1/4 of them.

For the second question, we need to find the fraction of cookies Erin has eaten after eating an additional 12 cookies. We'll add the number of cookies she initially ate (1/4 of the total) to the 12 she ate later.

Total number of cookies eaten = (1/4) + 12

To add fractions, we need a common denominator, which in this case is 4. To convert 12 to a fraction with a denominator of 4, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by 1/3:

Total number of cookies eaten = (1/4) + (12/1) * (1/3)

Simplifying the expression gives us:

Total number of cookies eaten = (1/4) + 4

Combining the fractions gives us:

Total number of cookies eaten = (1 + 16)/4 = 17/4

So, Erin has eaten a total of 17/4 or 4 1/4 cookies.

To convert the fraction to a percentage, we can multiply it by 100:

Percentage of cookies eaten = (17/4) * 100

Dividing 17 by 4 gives us 4 with a remainder of 1, so the fraction is equivalent to 4 1/4.

Percentage of cookies eaten = 4 1/4 * 100 = 425%

Therefore, Erin has eaten 425% of the cookies.

Please note that the time frame of 10 minutes to provide these answers might be a bit tight, but I will provide the above step-by-step explanations as quickly as possible.