I have to find the verbs in the preterite and the imperfect but I'm getting them marked wrong.

1. Mi amiga Anita siempre tenía dolor de cabeza cuando estudiaba.

my answer: tenía; estudiaba

2. El diente me dolió todo el fin de semana pero el lunes el dentista me lo sacó.

my answer: dolió; sacó

What am I doing wrong? Thanks!!

2) dolía - ongoing action - all weekend

1) estudió - always had a headache when she studied -

had a headache ongoing action, studied - completed action

In both of your answers, you correctly identified verbs in both the preterite and the imperfect tense. However, it seems like you might have misunderstood the instructions or made a mistake in your explanation.

In sentence 1, the verb "tenía" is indeed in the imperfect tense, indicating a habitual or ongoing action in the past. The verb "estudiaba" is also in the imperfect, indicating another ongoing action in the past. Therefore, your answer for sentence 1 is correct.

In sentence 2, the verb "dolió" is in the preterite tense, indicating a completed action in the past. The verb "sacó" is also in the preterite tense, indicating another completed action in the past. Therefore, your answer for sentence 2 is also correct.

It's possible that there might be some other aspect of the exercise or a specific instruction that you missed. I would recommend reviewing the instructions or seeking clarification from your teacher or instructor to better understand why your answers were marked wrong.

In Spanish, there are specific rules for using the preterite and imperfect tenses, and it seems like you might be confusing them. Let's break down the sentences and identify the correct verb tenses.

1. Mi amiga Anita siempre tenía dolor de cabeza cuando estudiaba.
In this sentence, "tenía" is in the imperfect tense, which is typically used for ongoing or habitual actions in the past. So, you got that one correct. However, "estudiaba" should be in the imperfect tense as well since it describes an ongoing action in the past. Therefore, the correct answers are: tenía, estudiaba.

2. El diente me dolió todo el fin de semana pero el lunes el dentista me lo sacó.
Here, "dolió" is in the preterite tense, which is used for completed actions in the past. So, you got that one correct. However, "sacó" should also be in the preterite tense, as it describes a specific action that happened in the past. Therefore, the correct answers are: dolió, sacó.

To ensure that you're choosing the correct verb tense, remember the following guidelines:
- Preterite tense is used for completed, specific actions/events in the past.
- Imperfect tense is used for ongoing or habitual actions/events in the past.

By keeping these guidelines in mind and applying them to each verb in the sentence, you should be able to identify the correct verb tenses more accurately.