I have to do a term paper on Teen Suicide. Here is our format:

I. Title Page
II. Table of Contents
III. History of Problem
IV. Who's affected
V. Signs of Problem
VI. Agency
VII. Treatment
VIII. Prevention

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These deal more with what you can do personally to help a friend who is thinking of suicide.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To begin your term paper on teen suicide, you will need to gather information on each section of your format. Here is an overview of how you can approach each section:

I. Title Page:
The title page typically includes the title of your paper, your name, your institution or school's name, and the submission date. Ensure that your title is concise and accurately reflects the content of your paper.

II. Table of Contents:
The table of contents serves as a roadmap for your paper, listing the main sections and subsections along with their page numbers. You can create the table of contents once you have completed drafting your paper.

III. History of Problem:
To understand the history of teen suicide, you can start by researching major historical events related to suicide, such as notable cases, societal attitudes, and changes in suicide prevention strategies over time. Explore how the understanding and perception of teen suicide has evolved and identify any contributing factors.

IV. Who's affected:
Here, you can discuss the demographics and groups of teenagers who are more vulnerable to suicide. Consider factors like gender, age, social and economic backgrounds, or any other relevant characteristics. Utilize credible sources such as academic studies and reputable organizations to support your claims.

V. Signs of Problem:
In this section, you can provide information on the signs and symptoms that might indicate a teenager is at risk of suicide. Research the common warning signs, both behavioral and emotional, associated with suicidal thoughts. Include examples and provide guidance on how to recognize and respond to these signs.

VI. Agency:
Identify and research an agency or organization that focuses on teen suicide prevention, support, or awareness. Provide an overview of its mission, the services it offers, and any significant initiatives to combat teen suicide. Highlight success stories or important collaborations the agency has engaged in.

VII. Treatment:
Discuss the various treatment approaches commonly used for teenagers who are experiencing suicidal thoughts or behavior. Include information on therapy options, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or dialectical behavior therapy, as well as potential medical interventions. Explain the effectiveness of these treatments and provide any relevant statistics.

VIII. Prevention:
Finally, explore different prevention strategies and programs aimed at reducing teen suicide rates. Discuss initiatives such as school-based prevention programs, community support systems, and awareness campaigns. Include evidence-based approaches and highlight their impact on reducing suicide rates among teenagers.

Remember to cite your sources using an appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, etc.) throughout your paper to give credit to the authors and ensure academic integrity. Good luck with your term paper!