Internal controls are concerned with?

Internal controls are concerned with ensuring that business operations are conducted in a reliable and efficient manner. They aim to safeguard the assets of a company, prevent fraud or errors, and ensure compliance with laws and regulations. Internal controls also help to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial information, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of operations. In other words, they are processes or procedures designed to provide reasonable assurance that objectives are being achieved and risks are being managed effectively.

To understand internal controls in more detail, you can refer to various sources such as accounting textbooks, professional accounting standards (such as the COSO framework), or online resources from reputable organizations like the Institute of Internal Auditors or the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. These sources provide comprehensive information on the different types of internal controls, their objectives, and how they can be implemented. Additionally, consulting with professionals in the field, such as internal auditors or accountants, can provide practical insights and guidance on establishing and maintaining effective internal controls.