a vehicle uses 1 tablespoon to drive 125 yards. How many miles can the vehicle travel per gallon? (Hint 256 tablespoons egual a gallon)


number of 125 yard stretches in 1 mile = 1760/125 = 14.08

number of tablespoons to go 1 mile = 14.08
256/14.08 = 18.19

so he can go 18.19 miles on 1 gallon

(editorial: go metric to avoid these silly calculations)

To find out how many miles the vehicle can travel per gallon, we need to convert the given information to a common unit of measurement.

We know that the vehicle uses 1 tablespoon of fuel to drive 125 yards. First, we need to convert yards to miles since fuel efficiency is commonly measured in miles per gallon.

1 yard is equal to 0.000568182 miles (approximately). Therefore, 125 yards is equal to 0.000568182 miles multiplied by 125, which gives us 0.0710227 miles.

Now, we need to determine how many tablespoons are required to cover this distance. Since 1 tablespoon covers 0.0710227 miles, we can calculate the number of tablespoons required to cover 1 mile by dividing 1 by 0.0710227. This gives us approximately 14.07 tablespoons per mile.

Given that 256 tablespoons equal a gallon, we can divide 256 by 14.07 to find out how many miles the vehicle can travel per gallon. This calculation gives us approximately 18.20 miles per gallon.

Therefore, the vehicle can travel approximately 18.20 miles per gallon.