Can you please check these sentences on Wordsworth's life, please?

1)William Wordsworth was born in Cumberland in the English Lake District, which was to become his main source of inspiration.
2)He was enthusiastic about the democratic ideals fostered by the French Revolution and hoped they could lead to a new and just social order.
3)However, the following historical events disillusioned him (or: he was disillusioned with the developments of the revolution) and he turned to nature for consolation.
4) In 1795 went to live with his sister Dorothy, who remained his most faithful friend and constantly supported his poetry.
5) In the same year he moved to Somerset to be near Samuel Coleridge. Their friendship proved crucial (essential?) to the development of English Romantic poetry.
6) They produced a collection of poems called Lyrical Ballads. Its second edition contained Wordsworth’s famous Preface, which was to become the Manifesto of English Romanticism.
7) In 1803 Wordsworth wrote some of his best poems which were published in two volumes in 1807.
8) In 1805 he finished his masterpiece, The Prelude, a long autobiographical poem in 14 books.
9) Later in his life he developed conservative political views and his creative powers declined.
10)The task of the poet is to purify men’s emotions through the description of such objects as strongly excite those feelings.



These sentences about William Wordsworth's life appear to be well-written and informative. Here is a breakdown of how you can further verify these statements and gather additional information:

1) William Wordsworth's birthplace and main source of inspiration were indeed in Cumberland, located in the English Lake District. To confirm this information, you can refer to reliable sources such as biographies or authoritative websites about Wordsworth.

2) It is accurate to note that Wordsworth was enthusiastic about the democratic ideals arising from the French Revolution. To validate this statement, you can read about Wordsworth's writings and letters during that time period to gain insight into his political beliefs.

3) The sentence highlighting Wordsworth's disillusionment with the French Revolution's developments is accurate. You can find further information on this subject by studying Wordsworth's works, letters, and critical analyses related to his changing views regarding the revolution.

4) The fact that Wordsworth lived with his sister Dorothy and that she played a significant role in supporting his poetry is accurate. You can verify this information through biographies or firsthand accounts regarding their relationship.

5) The sentence mentioning Wordsworth moving to Somerset to be near Samuel Coleridge is correct. To get more details about their friendship's importance in the development of English Romantic poetry, you can read about their collaborations, joint works, and the influence they had on each other's writing.

6) The statement regarding the collection of poems called Lyrical Ballads and Wordsworth's famous Preface acting as a Romanticism manifesto is accurate. You can research Lyrical Ballads and the Preface to understand their significance in the context of English Romantic poetry.

7) The claim that Wordsworth wrote some of his best poems in 1803 and published them in volumes in 1807 is true. To explore which poems Wordsworth wrote during this time and the critical reception of these works, you can consult literary analyses of his poetry.

8) It is correct to mention that Wordsworth completed his autobiographical poem, The Prelude, in 1805. To delve deeper into The Prelude's structure, themes, and its significance as an influential autobiographical work, you can read critical studies or analyses dedicated to Wordsworth's poetry.

9) The statement about Wordsworth's later life and his shift towards conservative political views, as well as his declining creative powers, is accurate. To investigate this aspect further, you can explore biographical accounts and critical interpretations of Wordsworth's later works and political beliefs.

10) The sentence reflecting the poet's task as purifying men's emotions through the description of objects that strongly evoke feelings is accurate. To comprehend Wordsworth's theory of poetry and his ideas about the role of the poet, you can study his Preface to Lyrical Ballads and his critical essays on poetry.

In summary, these statements about Wordsworth's life appear to be supported by historical evidence, poetry collections, critical analysis, and biographical accounts. However, it is always advisable to consult reliable sources to gather complete and accurate information about any topic.