
I am writing an essay for my media studies class on the topic; Has digital technology made professional journalists obsolete? What is the role of journalism in a digital society?

Can anyone give me ideas for arguments I can come up with or evidence.


Good heavens! I hope professional journalists aren't obsolete! But my nephew and his wife were laid off of their journalist jobs on a large East Coast paper two or three years ago.

As citizens, we must depend upon professional journalists to ferret out and publish the real news. Democracy depends upon an informed citizenry. Amateurs don't have the financial backing to spend time investigating and writing the news that we need to function as a democratic society.

Certainly! Here are some arguments and evidence to consider for your essay on whether digital technology has made professional journalists obsolete and the role of journalism in a digital society:

1. Access to Information: Digital technology has vastly increased access to information, but it does not always guarantee accurate or reliable sources. Professional journalists play a crucial role in verifying information, fact-checking, and providing context to news stories.

Evidence: Cite examples of misinformation or "fake news" spreading rapidly through social media platforms. Highlight how professional journalists have been essential in debunking false information and providing accurate reporting.

2. Journalism Ethics: Professional journalists adhere to ethical guidelines and standards, including objectivity, fairness, and transparency. Digital technology has given rise to citizen journalism, where anyone can disseminate news without the same ethical considerations.

Evidence: Analyze instances where individuals have shared biased or inaccurate information online without proper verification or accountability. Contrast this with the importance of professional journalists who follow established ethical frameworks.

3. Investigative Journalism: Digital technology has made it easier for professional journalists to conduct in-depth investigations and uncover wrongdoing. Tools like data analysis, online research, and digital communication have enhanced their ability to expose corruption and hold those in power accountable.

Evidence: Provide examples of investigative journalism breaking important stories, such as the Panama Papers or the #MeToo movement. Highlight how without professional journalists and their expertise, such revelations may have remained hidden.

4. Interpretation and Analysis: While digital technology enables the rapid dissemination of news, it often lacks the depth and analysis provided by professional journalists. Expert analysis and interpretation of complex issues remain crucial in guiding public understanding.

Evidence: Show how professional journalists delve into complex subjects, providing context, background information, and different perspectives. Analyze instances where social media discussions are polarized and lack nuance compared to the work of professional journalists.

5. Gatekeeping Function: Professional journalists act as gatekeepers by curating news, prioritizing important stories, and separating fact from speculation. This function is vital in a digital society where information overload can be overwhelming.

Evidence: Discuss the challenges of information overload and the potential consequences of relying solely on algorithms or social media to curate news. Explore how professional journalists provide an essential filtering and gatekeeping function.

Remember, while the arguments and evidence presented here are a starting point, it is essential to conduct further research and gather additional examples to strengthen your essay. Good luck!