plz help me i am in 5th grade and need help on similies & metaphores about the book number the stars. it asks "it was an odd word: pride." meaning proud, i think

Here are some places that define 'simile' and 'metaphor' well:

(Broken Link Removed) LANGUAGE

You are right about the meaning of that sentence, but it has nothing to do with figurative language.

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with similes and metaphors related to the book "Number the Stars"! First, let's discuss the meaning of the phrase you provided: "It was an odd word: pride," which represents feeling proud. This quote implies that the word "pride" seems unusual or out of place in the context of the story.

Now, let's explore similes and metaphors you can use to describe the feeling of pride in the book "Number the Stars":

1. Simile: "Her pride sparkled like a diamond, illuminating her actions."
Explanation: This simile compares the brightness and radiance of pride to the sparkle and shine of a diamond.

2. Simile: "Like a peacock spreading its feathers, pride enveloped his entire being."
Explanation: This simile draws a comparison between the way a peacock displays its feathers and how pride encompasses and enhances a person's whole presence.

3. Metaphor: "Pride became a guiding star, leading her through the toughest challenges."
Explanation: In this metaphor, pride is compared to a guiding star, suggesting that it serves as a source of direction and motivation during difficult times.

Remember, when creating similes and metaphors, try to think of other objects or situations that share similar characteristics or qualities with the concept you want to describe. This will help you create vivid and imaginative comparisons.