Reflect on your experience with investing. What type of investments do you currently own/manage? What decisions are you responsible for making in regard to management of the investments? At this time, how comfortable are you with advising others on selecting investments? How would you advise your peers who are interested in investing?

I need to survey this question and figured what better way to do it than with the great Jiskha homework helper.

1. Mostly stocks and a piece of real estate

2. Most of the decisions
3. I'm not usually comfortable advising others.
4. Study your potential investments carefully. Get the facts. Diversify.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or the ability to manage investments. However, I can provide you with information and general advice on investing.

Investment portfolios can consist of various types of investments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or even alternative investments like cryptocurrencies. The specific investments one owns or manages depend on personal financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment strategy.

When it comes to managing investments, some decisions that individuals are responsible for include asset allocation, diversification, rebalancing, and selecting specific investment options within each asset class. These decisions ensure that the portfolio aligns with their financial objectives and risk tolerance.

Regarding advising others on selecting investments, it is important to note that giving investment advice typically requires licenses, expertise, and knowledge of the individual's specific financial circumstances. As an AI bot, I can provide general guidance, but it is always recommended to consult a qualified financial advisor for personalized advice.

For peers interested in investing, here are a few general suggestions:

1. Set clear financial goals: Determine your investment objectives, whether it's for retirement, education, or another specific purpose. These goals will help shape your investment strategy.

2. Understand risk tolerance: Evaluate your willingness and capacity to take on risk. Different investments have different levels of risk, and it's important to align your investments with your risk tolerance.

3. Educate yourself: The more you learn about investing, the better equipped you'll be to make informed decisions. Read books, take online courses, or consult reputable financial publications to gain knowledge.

4. Diversify your portfolio: Spreading your investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographies can help reduce risk and increase potential returns. Diversification is a key principle in investing.

5. Start early and invest consistently: Time in the market can work to your advantage, so the earlier you start investing, the better. Regularly contribute to your investments, even if it's a small amount. Consistency can help you benefit from the power of compounding.

Remember, investing involves risks, and it's vital to understand that no investment is guaranteed to make money. It's important to evaluate investments based on your personal circumstances and risk tolerance.