(2x4 + 3x3 - 4) + (3x4 - 2x3 - 8)

combine similar terms

(2x4 + 3x3 - 4) + (3x4 - 2x3 - 8)
2x^4 + 3x^4 + 3x^3 - 2x^3 - 4 - 8
*for terms with variables, add their numerical coefficients (or the numbers before them), thus:
5x^4 + x^3 - 12

so there,, :)

To simplify the given expression (2x4 + 3x3 - 4) + (3x4 - 2x3 - 8), we need to combine like terms.

First, let's simplify the terms within the parentheses individually:
1. Distribute the coefficients to the variables within each set of parentheses:
(2x4 + 3x3 - 4) = 2x4 + 3x3 - 4
(3x4 - 2x3 - 8) = 3x4 - 2x3 - 8

2. Combine the like terms within each set of parentheses:
For (2x4 + 3x3 - 4), there are no like terms to combine.
For (3x4 - 2x3 - 8), there are no like terms to combine.

Now, let's combine the simplified terms from the parentheses:
(2x4 + 3x3 - 4) + (3x4 - 2x3 - 8) = 2x4 + 3x3 - 4 + 3x4 - 2x3 - 8

Finally, combine the like terms in the overall expression by summing the coefficients of the same variables:
2x4 + 3x4 = 5x4
3x3 - 2x3 = x3
-4 - 8 = -12

Therefore, the simplified expression becomes:
5x4 + x3 - 12