In the metaphor of language as a layer cake given in your study unit, which of the following words could be considered to be a frosting word?

adjectives: dark, rich, creamy, flavorful, and fattening.

I assume you are looking for parts of speech that act as frosting, your question was not clear to me.

Your question is quite unclear. The metaphor is in YOUR STUDY UNIT, but we have no access to that text.

What are "the following words"?


Prescient Honestly Frequently

Occasionally are one of these are frosting words

2. In the metaphor of language as a layer cake given in your study unit, which of the following words could be considered to be a frosting word?

A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Honestly
D. Prescient

In the metaphor of language as a layer cake given in your study unit, which of the following words could be considered to be a frosting word?

To determine which of the given words could be considered a "frosting word" in the metaphor of language as a layer cake, we need to understand the concept of frosting words. In this metaphor, language is compared to a layer cake, where the different layers represent different levels of language complexity.

Frosting words are words that are considered more sophisticated, advanced, or expressive. They are usually figurative, descriptive, or evoke emotions. Frosting words add richness and depth to our language, just like frosting adds flavor and decoration to a cake.

Now, let's analyze the given words to identify which one can be considered a frosting word:

1. Excited: This word expresses a feeling or emotion, which adds some richness, but it is not particularly figurative or highly expressive. It can be considered a more basic word than a frosting word.

2. Overjoyed: This word, on the other hand, is more expressive and intense than "excited." It evokes strong positive emotions and goes beyond the basic level, making it a good candidate for a frosting word.

3. Going: "Going" is a simple verb that indicates movement, but it does not have the kind of figurative or expressive qualities that frosting words usually possess. It can be considered a basic word.

4. Traveling: Similar to "going," "traveling" is a verb that indicates movement or a journey. While it is more specific than "going," it does not have the extra levels of richness or expressiveness typically associated with frosting words.

Based on the analysis, "Overjoyed" is the word that could be considered a frosting word in the given options. It has a higher level of expressiveness and emotional depth, making it a good choice for adding richness to language, similar to how frosting adds flavor to a cake.