How does the poem: "A dream within a dream" by: Edgar Allen Poe, correspond to the Pre-Civil war/American Culture?

First of all you need to think of and list all the "Pre-Civil War/American Culture" elements you can. Then see what parallels you can draw to the content and spirit of Poe's poem.

I've tryed, and still seem to be lost.

Did you read all of the comments on that site?

Poe was a an alcoholic, usually in a state of depression. That poem in particular reflects his depression and view of his place in life. It seems to me that culture is hardly a thread. It is about life is slipping away, he has only a few golden grains in his life, and even those slip from his grasp.

I think I would be lost also trying to fit this poem into a cultural setting.

ive been writing a paper on this poem for a week now, and were supose to have five pages but i only have three so far and im getting pretty fustrated.

Have you examined all that you've learned about pre-Civil War culture? It was certainly very complex with many different cultures.

To understand how the poem "A Dream Within a Dream" by Edgar Allan Poe corresponds to the Pre-Civil War American culture, it is necessary to examine the themes and context of Poe's work in relation to the historical time period.

Step 1: Read and analyze the poem
First, familiarize yourself with the poem by reading it carefully. Pay attention to the imagery, language, and underlying themes. The poem explores the nature of reality, the passage of time, and the ephemeral nature of existence.

Step 2: Research the historical context
Next, gather information about the Pre-Civil War American culture. This period refers to the time before the American Civil War, which took place from 1861 to 1865. Explore the social, political, and cultural climate of the time, along with any significant events or movements that shaped the era.

Step 3: Identify relevant themes and connections
With both the poem and historical context in mind, look for themes or elements in the poem that can be linked to the Pre-Civil War American culture. Consider the following aspects:

1. Escapism and anxiety: The poem highlights a sense of disillusionment and loss, which can be seen as a reflection of the growing unease and anxiety prevalent in the years leading up to the Civil War. Many Americans felt apprehensive about the nation's future and sought escapism from the impending crisis.

2. The fragility of reality: The poem contemplates the ephemeral nature of existence and raises questions about the reliability of perception. This existential questioning can be seen as mirroring the uncertainty surrounding the stability of American society during the turbulent pre-war period.

3. Individual versus collective identity: The poem's introspective nature reflects a concern with individualism that emerged during the Romantic era and intensified in the years leading up to the Civil War. As tensions heightened, Americans grappled with questions of personal identity within the larger context of national identity.

Step 4: Formulate your explanation
Based on your analysis of the poem and understanding of the historical context, formulate an explanation that highlights the connections between "A Dream Within a Dream" and Pre-Civil War American culture. Focus on the specific themes and elements discussed earlier and provide evidence from the poem to support your interpretation.

Remember, literature can be subjective, and interpretations may vary. Your explanation should be well-reasoned and supported by evidence from both the poem and historical context.