when you write a paper setting,plot,characters,climax,and what else..........??

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You might include the significance of the title, the genre, anything in the author's biography that influenced this literature, the style, the place where it takes place and any important quotes.

read the clues below them write ten proper nouns beginning with the letter b to complete them.

1.capial of st.kitts.______________
2.an outstanding football counitry.__________
3.a large sea.________
4.land of the flyingfish.________

read the clues below them write ten proper nouns beginning with the letter b to complete them.

1.capial of st.kitts.______________
2.an outstanding football counitry.__________
3.a large sea.________
4.land of the flyingfish.________
5.The country bermudians are from.__________
6.A disciple of jesus.________________
7.Meaing of B.B.C. ___________________

Basseterre ,brazil

When writing a paper, in addition to the setting, plot, characters, and climax, there are a few more elements you can include to make your paper more comprehensive:

1. Theme: Discussing the central theme or message of the story. Look for underlying ideas or lessons that the author is trying to convey.

2. Conflict: Analyzing the conflicts within the story, whether they are internal struggles within a character or external conflicts between characters or forces.

3. Resolution: Describing how the conflicts are resolved and the outcome of the story. This could include tying up loose ends or explaining the ultimate fate of the characters.

4. Point of view: Examining the perspective from which the story is narrated. Consider the impact of the chosen point of view on the reader's understanding of the events and characters.

5. Symbolism: Identifying any symbols or symbolic elements in the story. Symbols can represent larger ideas or themes and can add depth to the overall meaning of the narrative.

6. Tone: Analyzing the author's attitude or tone towards the subject matter or characters. Consider whether the tone is serious, satirical, humorous, etc., and the effect it has on the reader's interpretation.

7. Literary devices: Discussing any literary techniques or devices employed by the author, such as foreshadowing, imagery, irony, metaphor, or simile. These devices can enhance the story and create layers of meaning.

Remember, the elements you choose to include in your paper should be relevant to your analysis and support your main points. It's important to refer to specific passages or examples from the text to strengthen your arguments and provide evidence for your interpretations.