Convert to decimal notation 8.88 * x10^7

There is no decimal needed, but if you want to include one:



8.8*10.000.000= 88.000.000

To convert the number 8.88 × 10^7 into decimal notation, you need to move the decimal point seven places to the right because the exponent is positive. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Start with the number 8.88.
Step 2: Move the decimal point seven places to the right: 88800000.
Step 3: Add any necessary zeros at the end to maintain the same number of decimal places. In this case, since 8.88 originally had two decimal places, we add two zeros to the end: 88800000.00.

Therefore, the decimal notation for 8.88 × 10^7 is 88800000.00.