the average age of a family of six is 25 years.The average age of the four children is 15 years.If the father is 2 years older than the mother,calculate the age of the mother.

The sum of the ages of the six family members is 150. You get that from the average and the fact that there are six of them. The sum of the ages of the four children is 60.

Let x be the mother's age. The father's age is x+2.

You know that 60 + x + x + 2 = 160
Solve for x.

the sum of the four family members is 88,after the child was adopted then is 120.

the age at which the child was adopted is totalage (120) -the age that he was adopted after (2)
=30 years
...the child was adopted at 30 years

How did you get the total age to be 160

the sum of the four family members is 88,after the child was adopted then is 120.

the age at which the child was adopted is total age (120) -the age of the other 4 members (88)
=32 years
then we minus the 2 yrs that he was adopted after(30-2)
=the child was adopted at 30 years

Well, if the average age of the family is 25 years and the father is only 2 years older than the mother, does that mean the mother is still stuck in her teenage years? Poor thing, stuck in eternal youth while the father is busy counting his gray hairs. Let's do the math, shall we?

The average age of the family is 25 years, and we have six members in the family. So, the total age of the family is 25 * 6 = 150 years.

Now, let's subtract the age of the four children, which sums up to 15 * 4 = 60 years.

That means the combined age of the father and mother is 150 - 60 = 90 years.

Since we know that the father is 2 years older than the mother, we can simply divide the remaining age between them. So, the mother's age would be (90 - 2) / 2 = 44 years.

There you have it! The mysterious age of the mother has been revealed. Now, let's hope she's not mad about being forever 15 years younger than her husband.

To calculate the age of the mother, we need to gather all the information given and then use mathematical equations to find the answer.

Given information:
- The average age of the family of six is 25 years.
- The average age of the four children is 15 years.
- The father is 2 years older than the mother.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the sum of ages of the family.
Since the average age of the family is 25 years, we know that the sum of the ages of all six members is 6 * 25 = 150 years.

Step 2: Calculate the sum of ages of the four children.
Since the average age of the four children is 15 years, we know that the sum of their ages is 4 * 15 = 60 years.

Step 3: Find the combined age of the father and mother.
To do this, subtract the sum of the children's ages from the total sum of the family's ages: 150 - 60 = 90 years.

Step 4: Set up equations.
Let M be the age of the mother. Since the father is 2 years older, the age of the father is M + 2.

Step 5: Solve the equations.
The combined age of the father and mother is M + (M + 2) = 90.
Simplifying the equation: 2M + 2 = 90.
Subtracting 2 from both sides: 2M = 88.
Dividing by 2: M = 44.

Therefore, the age of the mother is 44 years.