how would I check this on my own? I know you put numbers in the place of the letters but when I do that I come up with my moms answer. this is what i have when I check my work. p=-2 q=3

6*(-2)*3 =-36 but 3(-2)(-2*3)=36 could you tell me what i'm doing wrong when I check them pls simplify expression
3(-p)(-2q) = 6pq

3(-p)(-2q) = 6pq is correct like Ms Sue confirmed for you

to check: you let p=-2 and q=3

3(-p)(-2q) = 3(2)(-6) = -36
6pq = 6(2)(-3) = -36

since left side = right side, you had the right answer.

ok I see what I was doing wrong I was doing wrong thank you and my mom thanks you

To simplify the expression 3(-p)(-2q), we can use the properties of multiplication. When multiplying two negative numbers, the result is positive.

Let's simplify the expression step by step:

1. Start with the expression: 3(-p)(-2q).

2. Multiply 3 by -p:

3 * (-p) = -3p.

3. Now, we have the expression -3p(-2q).

4. Multiply -3p by -2q:

-3p * (-2q) = 6pq.

So, the final simplified expression is 6pq.

Now, let's see where you went wrong in checking your work:

When checking your work, you mentioned that you substituted p = -2 and q = 3. However, you made an error in the multiplication step.

The correct way to check your work is as follows:

1. Start with the original expression: 3(-p)(-2q).

2. Substitute p = -2 and q = 3:

3(-(-2))(-2(3)) = 3(2)(-6) = 6(-6) = -36.

By checking the expression step by step, you can see that the original expression 3(-p)(-2q) simplifies to 6pq, not -36.

So, it seems like the mistake was made in the multiplication step while checking your work, rather than when simplifying the expression itself.