In Windows Vista, which button is used to create a new folder?

A. Organize C. File
B. Windows icon D. Views
20. Which Windows feature allows you to personalize your computer system?
A. My Pictures C. Default Programs
B. Control Panel D. Computer

In Windows Vista, which button is used to create a new folder. FILE

To find the answer to the first question, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Windows Vista on your computer.
2. Navigate to the location where you want to create a new folder (e.g., desktop, documents folder).
3. Look for the toolbar at the top of the window.
4. Identify the button options available on the toolbar.
5. Search for buttons labeled "Organize," "File," "Windows icon," and "Views."
6. Select the button that is used to create a new folder. In this case, the correct answer is B. Windows icon.

To find the answer to the second question, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Windows Vista on your computer.
2. Look for the "Control Panel" option. You can access the Control Panel in various ways, such as clicking on the Start menu and then selecting Control Panel.
3. Click on the "Control Panel" option.
4. Once the Control Panel window opens, explore the different options available within it.
5. Search for options related to personalization or customization.
6. Select the option that allows you to personalize your computer system. In this case, the correct answer is B. Control Panel.