How do I figure (17 + a)^ = 2209

I know a = 30, but how do I get the answer?

I think your problem is:

(17 + a)^2 = 2209

What is 47 squared?

did you mean (17+a)^2 = 2209 ?

IF so, take √ of both sides

17+a = √2209
17+a = 47
a = 47-17
a = 30

To solve the equation (17 + a)^2 = 2209, you need to find the value of 'a' that satisfies the equation. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start with the equation: (17 + a)^2 = 2209

2. Expand the square: (17 + a)(17 + a) = 2209

3. Apply the FOIL method to multiply the terms: 289 + 34a + 34a + a^2 = 2209

4. Combine like terms: a^2 + 68a + 289 = 2209

5. Move 2209 to the other side of the equation by subtracting it from both sides: a^2 + 68a + 289 - 2209 = 0

6. Simplify the equation: a^2 + 68a - 1920 = 0

7. Now, you can solve this quadratic equation using factoring, completing the square, or the quadratic formula.

Given that you already know that 'a' equals 30, let's check if it satisfies the equation:

Plug in a = 30 into the equation: (17 + 30)^2 = 2209

Calculate: (47)^2 = 2209

The result is indeed 2209, confirming that 'a' equals 30 is a solution to the equation.

Therefore, the answer to your equation is a = 30.