write a number pattern for 8 star fish if each has 5 arms

8 x 5 = ?


Good job.

To create a number pattern for 8 starfish, each having 5 arms, you can use the concept of multiplication.

The number of arms on each starfish can be represented by 5. Since there are 8 starfish, you can multiply the number of starfish by the number of arms on each starfish to find the total number of arms.

Here is the number pattern for 8 starfish with 5 arms each:

5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40

In this pattern, each number represents the total number of arms for a given number of starfish. For example, the first starfish has 5 arms, the second starfish has 10 arms, the third starfish has 15 arms, and so on.