The highest point in NewOrleans, Louisiana is 15 feet above sea level.The Lowest Pont is 4 feet below sea level. Howmuch higher is the highest point than the lowest point ?

How would you explanin this? Whats the Answer

What is 15 - (-4) ?


Draw a number line, using integers.
from 0, move 4 units to the left and 15 units to the right.
Count the number of units from the left marker to the right marker.

15 - (-4) = 19 feet

Use a number line to explain it.


To find out how much higher the highest point is than the lowest point in New Orleans, we need to determine the difference between their elevations.

Given that the highest point is 15 feet above sea level and the lowest point is 4 feet below sea level, we can calculate the difference in elevation by summing these two values.

The elevation of the highest point is 15 feet above sea level, so we can represent it as +15. The lowest point is 4 feet below sea level, which can be represented as -4. By adding these values together (+15 + -4), we get the difference in elevation:

+15 + (-4) = 15 - 4 = 11

Therefore, the highest point in New Orleans is 11 feet higher than the lowest point.