a vehicle uses 1 tablespoon of gasoline to drive 125 yard how many miles can the vehicle travel per gallon?

a model airplane flies 18 feet in 2 seconds what is the planes speed per miles an hour?

how do i do these


One tablespoon is equal to 15 ml.
One US gallon has 3.785 litres = 3785 ml.
One mile has 1760 yards.
So the distance per gallon
= (3785/15)*125 yds/1760 yds/mile
= ? miles

2. 1 mile = 5280 ft
1 hour = 3600 s.

Try to work out the conversion, one step at a time.

To figure out the answers to these questions, we need to convert the measurements and use some basic mathematical calculations. Here's how:

1. To find out how many miles a vehicle can travel per gallon, we first need to convert the given measurement of 1 tablespoon of gasoline to gallons. Since there are 16 tablespoons in a cup and 2 cups in a pint, and 8 pints in a gallon, we can proceed as follows:

1 tablespoon * (1 cup/16 tablespoons) * (1 pint/2 cups) * (1 gallon/8 pints) = 0.00390625 gallons

Now that we know the amount of gasoline used per distance, we can calculate the distance the vehicle can travel per gallon. Since we are given that the vehicle travels 125 yards, we can convert yards to miles by dividing by 1760 (since there are 1760 yards in a mile):

125 yards / 1760 yards/mile = 0.071022727 miles

Finally, we divide the distance (in miles) by the amount of gasoline used (in gallons) to get the miles per gallon (MPG):

0.071022727 miles / 0.00390625 gallons = 18.1792 MPG

Therefore, the vehicle can travel approximately 18.18 miles per gallon.

2. To find the speed of the model airplane in miles per hour, we first convert the given measurement of 18 feet to miles. Since there are 5280 feet in a mile, we can proceed as follows:

18 feet * (1 mile/5280 feet) = 0.00340909 miles

Next, we need to convert the given measurement of 2 seconds to hours. Since there are 3600 seconds in an hour, we can proceed as follows:

2 seconds * (1 hour/3600 seconds) = 0.000555556 hours

Finally, we divide the distance (in miles) by the time (in hours) to get the speed (in miles per hour):

0.00340909 miles / 0.000555556 hours = 6.136 mph

Therefore, the speed of the model airplane is approximately 6.14 miles per hour.

Overall, to solve these types of problems, you need to convert the given measurements to the same units (e.g., yards to miles, feet to miles) and then use basic mathematical calculations to find the desired result.