I'm having a hard time writing a thesis statement on three points that surrounding characters' traits in Arthur Miller's, The Crucible. Can anyone help me with three points. I have read it in class and reviewed it, but I still don't comprehend. I would really appreciate it if someone helps.

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I would look at either of the two male characters there. There are a number of ideas that would be of help to you.

Thank You

Of course, I can help you with that! Writing a thesis statement that focuses on three points about the surrounding characters' traits in Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible, may seem challenging, but there are several key aspects you can consider. Here are three possible points that you can use to construct your thesis statement:

1. The influence of fear and hysteria on the characters' actions: Throughout The Crucible, fear and hysteria play a significant role in shaping the behaviors and decisions of the characters. Your thesis statement can focus on analyzing how fear drives characters to act out of self-preservation, leading to the witch trials and the devastation that follows.

2. The power dynamics and manipulation within the community: Another aspect to consider is the manipulation and power dynamics among the characters. Explore specific instances where characters exploit their positions to manipulate others or gain authority. This point allows you to discuss how characters like Abigail Williams and Judge Danforth use their power to control the course of events.

3. The internal conflicts and moral compromises faced by the characters: The Crucible presents characters grappling with internal conflicts and forced to make difficult moral choices. Your thesis statement could delve into how characters like John Proctor and Reverend Hale struggle with their own conscience and the tension between their personal moral code and societal expectations.

To construct your thesis statement, make sure to clearly express your main argument and include the three points you have identified. Here's an example of what your thesis statement could look like:

"In Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible, the surrounding characters' traits are shaped by the influence of fear and hysteria, the power dynamics and manipulation within the community, and the internal conflicts and moral compromises they face."

Remember, you can refine and tailor this thesis statement based on your analysis and the specific points you choose to explore in your essay. Good luck with your thesis statement and your essay!