where can i find a computer code for

Simpson's 1/3 Rule using c++?

please help. thank you.

To find a computer code for Simpson's 1/3 Rule using C++, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a search engine (e.g., Google) in your web browser.
2. Enter the keywords "Simpson's 1/3 Rule code C++" or a similar query.
3. Scan through the search results and look for reliable sources, such as programming forums, educational websites, or GitHub repositories.
4. Click on the appropriate link that seems to have the code you are looking for.
5. Once you access the website or forum post, look for the code snippet or entire program, usually written in C++.
6. Copy the code or download the provided file to your local machine.
7. Open an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports C++ (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Dev-C++, Code::Blocks).
8. Create a new C++ source file and paste the code you obtained from the previous step.
9. Save the file with an appropriate name and a ".cpp" extension.
10. Compile and run the code using the features provided by your chosen IDE.
11. Modify the input parameters or test cases as needed. You may need to provide the function to be integrated, the limits of integration, and the desired level of precision.
12. Upon successful execution, you will get the result of the integral calculation using Simpson's 1/3 Rule.

Remember to give appropriate credit to the original author or source if you plan to use the code in your own projects. It is also recommended to understand the logic behind Simpson's 1/3 Rule before using the code, as this will help you to make any necessary modifications or troubleshoot issues that may arise.