1. On the map North America can be found in the (northem hemisphere) above the equator.

2. The condition of the air at a certain time is what we call (weather.)

3. People belong to many different (communities) at same time.

4. (Climate) is kind of weather a
place usully has.

5. The ( southem hemisphere) is located below the equator.

Yay! All of your answers are right! :-)

thank you.

You're welcome!

To find the answers to these questions, you can use various resources such as books, articles, websites, or specific geographical tools like maps. Here's how you can find the answers:

1. To determine where North America is located, you can refer to a world map or globe. Look for the region above the equator, which is the northern hemisphere. North America encompasses countries like the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

2. The term "weather" refers to the atmospheric conditions at a specific time and place. You can learn more about weather by studying meteorology, reading weather reports, or using weather forecasting websites or apps.

3. Communities consist of groups of people who share common interests, values, or goals. You can learn about different communities by observing your local surroundings, reading books or articles about various cultures and organizations, or engaging in community events or projects.

4. Climate refers to the long-term patterns of weather that a particular region typically experiences. To understand the climate of a place, you can consult climate databases or records, scientific research, or climate atlases. These resources provide information on average temperatures, rainfall, seasons, and other climate-related data.

5. The southern hemisphere is the part of the Earth located below the equator. To visualize the southern hemisphere on a map or globe, look for regions like South America, Africa, Australia, and parts of Antarctica.

Remember, it's important to verify information from reliable sources and continue learning to gain a deeper understanding of these concepts.