In a roller blade race grant is 5 meters ahead of cathy. mike is 7 meters behind cathy. joey is 4 meters ahead of Mike. How many meters is grant ahead?

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To determine how many meters Grant is ahead, we need to calculate the total distance between him and Cathy, Mike, and Joey.

Grant is 5 meters ahead of Cathy.
Mike is 7 meters behind Cathy.
Joey is 4 meters ahead of Mike.

To find out how many meters Grant is ahead, we need to add up the distances between each person. Let's break it down:

Grant is 5 meters ahead of Cathy.
Joey is 4 meters ahead of Mike.
Therefore, Joey is 5 + 4 = 9 meters ahead of Cathy.

Mike is 7 meters behind Cathy.
Therefore, Grant is 9 + 7 = 16 meters ahead of Mike.

In conclusion, Grant is 16 meters ahead in the roller blade race.