Can anyone help me with this question?


Thanks =]

Did you realize that 2/(1-x) is the same as -2/(x-1) ?

so we rewrite it as

2/(x-1) + 1/(x-2 = -2/(x-1)
1/(x-2) = -4/(x-1)
x-1 = -4x + 8
5x = 9
x = 9/5

Thank you so much for the help ^^

Of course, I can help you with that! The given equation is:

2/(-1+x) + 1/(x-2) = 2/(1-x)

To solve this equation, we need to find the value(s) of x that satisfy the equation. Let's go step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the denominators

Multiply the first fraction by (x-2)/(x-2) to simplify the denominator -1+x:
-2/(x-2+x-2) + 1/(x-2) = 2/(1-x)

This simplifies to:
-2/(2x-4) + 1/(x-2) = 2/(1-x)

Step 2: Combine fractions with common denominators

To combine fractions, we need a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is (2x-4)(x-2)(1-x).

Multiply each fraction by the necessary factors to get the common denominator:
(-2)(1-x)/(2x-4)(x-2)(1-x) + (1)(2x-4)/(2x-4)(x-2)(1-x) = (2)(x-2)/(2x-4)(x-2)(1-x)

After simplifying, we have:
(-2 + 2x - 4)/(2x-4)(x-2)(1-x) + (2x-4)/(2x-4)(x-2)(1-x) = (2x-4)/(2x-4)(x-2)(1-x)

Step 3: Combine like terms

Combine the numerators on the left side of the equation:
(2x - 6)/(2x-4)(x-2)(1-x) = (2x-4)/(2x-4)(x-2)(1-x)

Step 4: Cancel common factors

Notice that (2x-4) is a common factor in both the numerator and denominator on both sides of the equation. Canceling these factors, we get:
(2x - 6)/(x-2)(1-x) = 1/(x-2)(1-x)

Step 5: Cross-multiply

Cross-multiplication means multiplying the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of the other fraction.

We have:
(2x - 6) = (x-2)(1-x)/(x-2)(1-x)

Now, we have an equation without fractions.

Step 6: Simplify and solve

Distribute the (x-2) and (1-x) on the right side:

(2x - 6) = -(x-2)

Simplify further:

2x - 6 = -x + 2

Now, solve for x:

2x + x = 2 + 6
3x = 8
x = 8/3

So, the solution to the given equation is x = 8/3.