1 5/9 - 1 2/9 = -1 7/9 yes or no?

No. You need to subtract, not add.

1 5/9=1+5/9

1 2/9=1+2/9

1+5/9-(1+2/9)= 1+5/9-1-2/9
= 5/9-2/9
= 3/9= 1/3

To solve the subtraction problem 1 5/9 - 1 2/9, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions involved.

Step 1: Rewrite the mixed numbers as improper fractions:
1 5/9 = (9 * 1 + 5)/9 = 14/9
1 2/9 = (9 * 1 + 2)/9 = 11/9

Step 2: Find the common denominator, which is 9 in this case because both fractions have a denominator of 9.

Step 3: Perform the subtraction by subtracting the numerators and keeping the common denominator:
14/9 - 11/9 = (14 - 11)/9 = 3/9

Step 4: Simplify the resulting fraction if needed. In this case, 3/9 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3:
3 ÷ 3 / 9 ÷ 3 = 1/3

So, the correct answer to the subtraction problem 1 5/9 - 1 2/9 is 1/3. Therefore, the statement "1 5/9 - 1 2/9 = -1 7/9" is incorrect.