-3/10 - 5/100 = 35/100?

You're right, except for the sign.


Your teacher may want you to simplify this fraction, also.

The fraction part is correct, but not the sign. The answer would have been correct if both signs on the left hand side were positive (plus).

When we add two negative numbers, the sum is negative.

For example, to calculate -3-5, we start from zero on the number line, move 3 units to the left (minus direction), and five more units to the left (again, minus direction) and we land on -8.

When adding/subtracting numbers with negative signs, try to visualize the numbers on the number line.

No its -35/100

so is it positive 7/20 simplified?

No. It's still negative: -7/20

-3/10= -30/100

(-30/100)-(5/100= (-35)/100
=(-5*7)/(5*20)= (-7)/20

To determine if -3/10 - 5/100 is equal to 35/100, we can perform the subtraction and check if it simplifies to the same fraction.

Step 1: Finding a common denominator
The first step is to find a common denominator for the two fractions. In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is 100, as both fractions can be converted to denominators of 100.

Step 2: Convert the fractions to have a common denominator
Multiply the numerator and denominator of -3/10 by 10 to get -30/100. This is done to create a denominator of 100. For the second fraction, multiply the numerator and denominator by 1 to keep it the same.

So, the expression becomes:
-30/100 - 5/100 = -30/100 - 5/100

Step 3: Perform the subtraction
Subtract the numerators while keeping the denominator the same:
-30 - 5 = -35

The result is -35/100.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction
To check if -35/100 is equal to 35/100, we need to simplify both fractions.

The greatest common divisor (GCD) for 35 and 100 is 5. Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5, we get:
-35/100 = -7/20

Therefore, -3/10 - 5/100 is not equal to 35/100. The correct answer is -7/20.