El alumno o el profesor? complete each sentence with the appropriate word.

1. En una escuela americana "A" es una nota ________ y "f" es una nota ________.

2. El profesor_________; el alumno ________ la pizarra.

i think number 1 is buena & mala but im not sure for number 2.

Yes, good job on #1.

Without knowing the vocabulary you have had, you may not have had what I choose.

2. El profesor enseña (teaches) or habla (talks); el alumno ve (sees) or escribe en (writes on) or lee de (reads from)


P.S. Usually you will have a list of words or each textbook usually has a vocabulary for each chapter.

To fill in the blanks in the sentences, you need to determine whether the noun being referred to is singular or plural. Let's break down each sentence and find the correct answers:

1. En una escuela americana "A" es una nota ________ y "F" es una nota ________.

In this sentence, we can see that "nota" (which means "grade") is a singular noun. For "A" and "F," we need to determine whether they refer to good or bad grades.

To do this, we can think about the commonly used grading scale in American schools, where "A" is a high mark or excellent grade, and "F" represents a failing grade. Therefore, we can fill in the blanks as follows:

- En una escuela americana "A" es una nota buena y "F" es una nota mala.

This means that "A" is a good grade and "F" is a bad grade.

2. El profesor_________; el alumno ________ la pizarra.

In this sentence, we need to decide whether we use the masculine singular form of the word or the feminine singular form of the word to refer to the teacher and the student. The gender of the words "profesor" (teacher) and "alumno" (student) is masculine.

So, the correct forms for filling in the blanks would be:

- El profesor escribe; el alumno mira la pizarra.

Here, "escribe" means "writes" and "mira" means "looks at." Thus, the teacher writes on the board, and the student looks at the board.