is this right?

"It is essantial that a conflict be included in a story"


thank you

You need to correct the spelling of "essential" and put a period after "story" and before the ending quotation marks.

lol k..

Determining whether it is essential to include a conflict in a story is subjective and depends on the type of story you are trying to tell. However, conflicts are generally considered an important element in storytelling. They introduce obstacles and tension that propel the plot forward and create opportunities for character development.

To evaluate whether a conflict is necessary in a story, consider the following:

1. Purpose: Ask yourself what the conflict adds to the story. Does it contribute to the overall theme or message? Does it create suspense or engage the readers/audience?

2. Plot progression: Conflict often drives the plot forward, creating a chain of cause and effect. Without conflict, the story may lack momentum and fail to hold the readers' interest.

3. Character development: A conflict can push characters out of their comfort zones, forcing them to make choices and revealing their true nature. Conflict provides an opportunity for character growth and transformation.

4. Engagement and emotional impact: Conflict can elicit emotional responses from the readers/audience, such as excitement, fear, or empathy. It helps to create a deeper connection between the audience and the story.

While conflict is often an essential element in storytelling, there may be exceptions to this rule depending on the genre, narrative style, or intended purpose of the story. Experimental or abstract narratives may not follow conventional storytelling structures and may not require a traditional conflict.