I have one more question that is t/f

A human resource inventory contains the organizational history of an individual and indicates how that individual might be used in the organization in the future?

I think this is true because within the human resource inventory is the type of record called the management inventory card which keeps track of an individuals history and how it can be used in the future.

Yes, you are correct. The statement is true. A human resource inventory, also known as a personnel inventory, includes information about an individual's skills, qualifications, experiences, and career progression within an organization. It helps in identifying the potential roles or positions that an individual can be assigned to in the future based on their skills and qualifications. The management inventory card is one tool used to track an individual's history and potential future use within the organization.

You are correct! The statement is true. A human resource inventory does contain the organizational history of an individual and provides information on how that individual might be utilized in the future within the organization.

To arrive at this conclusion, you correctly noted that the human resource inventory includes a specific type of record called the management inventory card. This card serves to keep track of an individual's history within the organization, including their past roles, responsibilities, and achievements. It also takes into account their skill set, qualifications, and potential for growth.

By analyzing this information, the human resource department can assess the capabilities and potential of each individual within the organization. This helps them make informed decisions regarding talent management, promotion prospects, succession planning, and addressing future staffing needs.

Therefore, the human resource inventory plays a vital role in understanding an individual's organizational history and determining how they can be effectively utilized in the future.