14. The main argument in support of the Bill of Rights was that

a. they would help opponents of slavery gain the upper hand
b. without them the US would be a republic government
c. they would protect the people from a tyrannical government
d. without them the country would fall into anarchy
I couldn't decide between C and D, But I'm guessing C?

16. The interstate Commerce Act outlawed the railroads' practice of
a. charging equally for long and short hauls
b. giving special rates to powerful customers
c. favoring Stalwarts over Half-Breeds
d. bribing the Interstate Commerce Commission

17. Quakers believed that
a. the King of England was a god
b. non-Christians should be killed
c. all people were equal
d. the Church should be purified

18. Johnson freely gave
a. money to wealthy planters
b. white-owned land to African Americans
c. weapons to the Confederate army
d. pardons to southern officials


All your answers are right -- including C for the first one.

Thanks so much Ms.Sue! I reallly realllyy appreciate you guys helping me out with these questions; means a lot to me. (:


You're very welcome, MC. We enjoy helping you. :-)

Aw :D


For question 14, the main argument in support of the Bill of Rights was that they would protect the people from a tyrannical government. To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the historical context of the Bill of Rights and the intentions of the Founding Fathers. The Bill of Rights was added to the United States Constitution in 1791, and its primary purpose was to safeguard individual liberties and limit the power of the government. This was a response to the concerns of some Anti-Federalists who feared that without explicit protections, the government might become oppressive. Thus, option C is the correct answer as it aligns with the original intent of the Bill of Rights.

For question 16, the Interstate Commerce Act outlawed the railroads' practice of giving special rates to powerful customers. To determine this, you can examine the purpose and provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act. The act, which was passed in 1887, aimed to regulate and oversee the railroad industry. One of its key objectives was to ensure fair and equal rates for all customers, regardless of their influence or power. Thus, option B is the correct answer.

For question 17, Quakers believed that all people were equal. To ascertain this, you can study Quaker beliefs and principles. Quakerism, also known as the Religious Society of Friends, is a Christian denomination that emerged in the 17th century. Quakers advocate for peace, equality, and social justice. Central to their beliefs is the concept of the "Inner Light," which suggests that everyone possesses a divine spark within them. Quakers reject hierarchical structures and emphasize the equality of all individuals. Hence, option C is the correct answer.

For question 18, Johnson freely gave pardons to southern officials. To determine this, you can examine the actions of President Andrew Johnson during the post-Civil War Reconstruction period. As president, Johnson pursued a lenient approach towards the southern states that had seceded during the Civil War. He issued numerous pardons to former Confederate officials and allowed them to resume positions of power. This policy of granting pardons to southern officials was consistent with Johnson's belief in states' rights and his desire for a swift reconciliation between the North and the South. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

I hope this explanation helps!