find the range of the given distances: 2km, 101km, 125km, 227km, and 307km.

To find the range of the given distances, follow these steps:

Step 1: Arrange the distances in ascending order:
2km, 101km, 125km, 227km, 307km.

Step 2: Find the smallest distance and the largest distance in the set:
Smallest distance = 2km
Largest distance = 307km

Step 3: Calculate the range:
Range = Largest distance - Smallest distance.

Therefore, the range of the given distances is:
Range = 307km - 2km = 305km.

To find the range of the given distances, you need to determine the difference between the largest and smallest values in the set.

Step 1: Sort the distances in ascending order:
2km, 101km, 125km, 227km, 307km

Step 2: Identify the smallest and largest distances:
Smallest distance = 2km
Largest distance = 307km

Step 3: Calculate the range:
Range = Largest distance - Smallest distance
Range = 307km - 2km
Range = 305km

Therefore, the range of the given distances (2km, 101km, 125km, 227km, and 307km) is 305 kilometers.

The range is the highest value minus the lowest value.