Roberta sold fifty tickets for the school play. Roberta sold ten more student tickets than adult tickets. How many student tickets did Roberta sell?

From this result, if the total cost of a student ticket was three-fourths the cost of an adult ticket, and Roberta collected a total of 212.50, what was the total cost of a student ticket?

See your other post, and stop re-posting questions. I told you this the other day. You will be banned if you keep doing this.

To find the number of student tickets Roberta sold, we need to use the information that she sold ten more student tickets than adult tickets. Let's assume the number of adult tickets sold is x.

Since Roberta sold ten more student tickets than adult tickets, the number of student tickets sold would be x + 10.

We know that the total number of tickets sold for the school play is 50. Therefore, the equation is:

x + (x + 10) = 50.

Simplifying the equation:

2x + 10 = 50.

Subtracting 10 from both sides:

2x = 40.

Dividing by 2:

x = 20.

So, Roberta sold 20 adult tickets.

Now, to find the number of student tickets sold, we substitute x back into the equation:

Student tickets = x + 10 = 20 + 10 = 30.

Therefore, Roberta sold 30 student tickets.

To find the total cost of a student ticket, we need to use the given information that the cost of a student ticket is three-fourths the cost of an adult ticket.

Let's assume the cost of an adult ticket is y.

So, the cost of a student ticket would be three-fourths of y, which is (3/4) * y.

We also know that Roberta collected a total of $212.50 in ticket sales.

Using the information above, the equation would be:

20y + 30[(3/4) * y] = 212.50.

Simplifying the equation:

20y + (90/4) * y = 212.50.

Multiplying both sides by 4 to get rid of the fraction:

80y + 90y = 850.

Combining like terms:

170y = 850.

Dividing both sides by 170 to solve for y:

y = 5.

Therefore, the total cost of a student ticket is $5.