6 11/12 - 4 5/12

It's your turn, KayKay. How do you think this problem should be solved?

I think I got it would it be 2 1/2?

Right! :-)

6 11/12=6+(11/12)

6*12=72 , 6=(72/12)
6+(11/12)=(72+11)/12= (83/12)

4 5/12=4+5/12
4*12=48 , 4=(48/12)
4+5/12=(48+5)/12= (53/12)

6 11/12-4 5/12=(83/12)-(53/12)=(30/12)= (5*6)/(2*6)=5/2

To subtract mixed numbers like 6 11/12 - 4 5/12, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert both mixed numbers to improper fractions.
- To convert 6 11/12 to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (6) by the denominator (12), then add the numerator (11). So, 6 11/12 can be written as (6 * 12 + 11)/12 = 83/12.
- To convert 4 5/12 to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (4) by the denominator (12), then add the numerator (5). So, 4 5/12 can be written as (4 * 12 + 5)/12 = 53/12.

Step 2: Subtract the two fractions.
- To subtract fractions, you need a common denominator. In this case, the denominators are already the same (both 12).
- Subtract the numerators: 83 - 53 = 30.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction, if necessary.
- Since the numerator (30) is less than the denominator (12), the fraction cannot be simplified further.

Therefore, the result of 6 11/12 - 4 5/12 is 30/12.