Please help me with these: (I finally finished English 2, and am about to get halfway through this!)

4. Prohibitionists and purity crusaders shared the goal of
a. making charity "scientific"
b. redistributing the nation's wealth
c. ending immigration from Asia
d. improving the personal behavior of individuals

6. In the 1890s, immigration patterns shifted dramatically, with most immigrants now coming from
a. northern European countries
b. southern and Eastern European countries
c. Mexico and Central America
d. China and Japan
Can't decide between A and B...

12. Which best describes the main goal of the social gospel and settlement movements?
a. to improve living conditions for the poor
b. to strengthen political machines
c. to encourage immigration
d. to create jobs for the unemployed

13. Which of the following best describes key positions held by the Republican party in the Gilded Age?
a. free silver, high immigration, and low tariffs
b. gold standard, high tariffs, and limits on immigration
c. free silver and fewer blue laws
d. no government aid to railroads and no blue laws
No idea...


4. Correct

6. Definitely B
12. Correct
13. Probably B

Check your text again for 13.

Thanks so much!


You're very welcome, MC.

You might want to add your two cents to this post.

4. To determine the answer for question 4, we need to understand the goals of both prohibitionists and purity crusaders. Prohibitionists campaigned for the banning or restriction of alcohol consumption, while purity crusaders focused on promoting moral behavior and social reform. Based on this information, the most suitable answer would be (d) improving the personal behavior of individuals, as both groups aimed to encourage better behavior and moral values in society.

6. To answer question 6, let's consider the time period mentioned (1890s) and observe the shift in immigration patterns. Prior to the 1890s, the majority of immigrants to the United States came from northern European countries. However, during the 1890s, immigration patterns shifted, and a larger number of immigrants began arriving from southern and Eastern European countries. Therefore, the correct answer would be (b) southern and Eastern European countries.

12. Understanding the main goal of both the social gospel and settlement movements will help answer question 12. The social gospel movement sought to address social issues and inequality by focusing on Christian ethics and principles, while settlement movements aimed to improve the living conditions of urban immigrant communities. Based on this information, the best answer would be (a) to improve living conditions for the poor.

13. To answer question 13, we need to identify the key positions held by the Republican party during the Gilded Age, a time period characterized by rapid economic growth and industrialization. The Republican party generally supported a gold standard (backing currency with gold), high tariffs (to protect American industries), and limits on immigration (by passing restrictive immigration laws). Therefore, the correct answer would be (b) gold standard, high tariffs, and limits on immigration.

I hope this helps clarify the answers for you! Let me know if you have any further questions.