what did the clergy receive from the lords?

Which clergy? Which lords? When? Where?

To find out what the clergy received from the lords, we can look at history books, scholarly articles, or reliable online sources. The relationship between the clergy and lords varied in different historical periods and regions, so it's important to consider these factors while researching. Here's a general overview:

1. Land and Income: In feudal society, the clergy often received land grants (known as benefices) from lords. These grants provided the clergy with income derived from agricultural production, rents, or other forms of income associated with the land.

2. Tithes: A significant source of income for the clergy came from tithes. Tithes were a compulsory payment of one-tenth of a person's income or agricultural produce, which was collected by the clergy from their parishioners. Lords could enforce the collection of tithes within their territories and pass them on to the clergy.

3. Patronage: Lords had the power to appoint clergy to certain positions, such as bishoprics or high-ranking positions within the church hierarchy. This practice is known as lay investiture, where secular authorities had influence over the appointment of church officials.

It is worth noting that the relationship between the clergy and lords was complex, evolving, and varied in different historical contexts. To get a more detailed and accurate understanding, it is recommended to explore specific time periods, regions, and changes in religious and political structures.