what is used to knead dough and to roll pastry ?

what is used to cook some less tender meats,to steam puddings and to asselerate the cooking time of foods?

what is used to sift flour before measuring?

what kind of knife is used to very finely slice or crumb foods?

what is used to cut shortning into flour for biscuts and pastries?

what is used to turn meat or fish when frying,to lift jars from hot-water bath when sterlizing during canning?

what is used to heat foods which scorch or burn or boil over easily, and to keep foods warm without drying out?

what is used to cook vegetables and fruits, and to make sauces which do not contain milk?

What are your choices? What are your answers?


Let us know what you decide for each one.

I have no choices.

Answers I have:

1.rolling pin
2.sauce pan
3.metal spatuala
4.paring knife

I don't think any of your answers are correct -- except 1 that is used for rolling pastry.

I suggest you go back and study your text materials or study the site that Writeacher posted.

For 6 and 7, I use tongs and a double boiler.

I am pretty sure #5 is a pasrty blender and #4 is a grater. Am I right?

I checked the site you gave me but I couldn't find anything- it was a bit difficult for me. Please help me I beg you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with your answer for 4. I'd use a bread knife for 5.

Check this site for another answer.


I clicked the site and all it showed me was a picture. why? Can you please just list me the items I need, and not give me any sites. It will be very helpful.

a flat surface (floured) is used to knead bread, and roll pastry. I actually use a pastry cloth on my flat surface for both. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=pastry+cloth&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=5162886702682250129&ei=oly6TObmH4SdlgejwY34DA&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDQQ8wIwAg

Rose -- the picture is labeled with its name!

BobPursley reminded me that a flat surface is needed to both knead dough and to roll pastry. Perhaps that question is looking for a pastry cloth.

You surely must have a book or notes or a website to find these answers.

To answer your questions:

1. To knead dough and roll pastry, a rolling pin is commonly used. This cylindrical tool allows you to smoothly roll and shape dough or pastry for various baking purposes.

2. For cooking less tender meats, steaming puddings, and accelerating the cooking time of foods, a pressure cooker is often utilized. This sealed pot with a pressure valve helps to create high-pressure steam inside, which cooks the food faster and helps to tenderize tougher cuts of meat.

3. To sift flour before measuring, you can use a flour sifter. This handheld or mechanical device breaks up any lumps in the flour and aerates it, ensuring a more accurate measurement and preventing clumps in your recipes.

4. A microplane or a mandoline is usually used to very finely slice or crumb foods. These tools have sharp blades or grating surfaces, allowing you to achieve thin and precise slices or create fine crumbs of ingredients like cheese, vegetables, or even chocolate.

5. To cut shortening into flour for biscuits and pastries, a pastry blender or a fork can be used. By using a back-and-forth motion, these tools help to blend the solid fat (shortening) into the flour, resulting in a crumbly texture for your baked goods.

6. For turning meat or fish when frying, as well as lifting jars from a hot-water bath during canning, long tongs or a slotted spatula are commonly employed. These tools provide the necessary grip and control to flip or turn the food without damaging it or getting burned.

7. To heat foods that scorch or burn easily, and to keep foods warm without drying out, a double boiler or a simmer ring can be used. A double boiler consists of two stacked pots, where the bottom pot holds boiling water, and the upper pot holds the food, allowing for gentle and indirect heating. A simmer ring is a heat diffuser placed between the stove and the cooking vessel to reduce the intensity of the heat.

8. Cooking vegetables and fruits, as well as making sauces without milk, often requires a saucepan or a skillet. These cookware items provide a wide and shallow surface area for even heat distribution, making them suitable for various cooking techniques like simmering, sautéing, or reducing liquids.

By understanding the specific tools and their purposes, you can effectively choose the right equipment for different culinary tasks and achieve desirable results in your cooking and baking endeavors.