This is my last exam, and I'm done with English!

'At different times in A Separate Peace the weather seems to signal a change in the atmosphere of the action. Make a list of three specific weather descriptions from the novel; Use chapter references along your description. Then, list the corresponding action in the plot.'

I got one:
Weather Description- "In the air there was only an edge of coolness to imply the coming winter.
Plot Developments- Things have changed at Devon, but it's as if Gene and Finny are in a holding pattern. The ease of the summer session is gone, but the horrible events that follow in the winter are still a far way off.

Pleaseee help me!

Read the first section in the Symbols section.

Then go back through the book and note the places when the author includes shifts in weather or mentions seasons.

Thanks so much!


Sure, I'd be happy to help you with this question! To find specific weather descriptions from the novel "A Separate Peace" and their corresponding actions in the plot, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the important chapters or sections in the novel that contain weather descriptions. You can do this by flipping through your book and looking for chapter titles, section breaks, or any indications of the passage of time.

2. Once you have identified the chapters or sections, read through them carefully, paying attention to any mentions of the weather. Look for phrases or sentences that describe the weather in detail, such as temperature, wind conditions, or any other relevant atmospheric changes.

3. Make a list of three weather descriptions that you find most significant or impactful to the plot. Include the chapter or section references for each description to provide evidence for your analysis.

4. After listing the weather descriptions, analyze the corresponding actions in the plot. Think about how the weather contributes to the overall atmosphere or foreshadows events in the story. Consider any changes in mood or behavior of the characters that coincide with the weather.

Here's an example of how you can complete the assignment based on the weather description you provided:

Weather Description: "In the air there was only an edge of coolness to imply the coming winter." (Chapter or section reference needed)
Plot Developments: Things have changed at Devon, but it's as if Gene and Finny are in a holding pattern. The ease of the summer session is gone, but the horrible events that follow in the winter are still a far way off.

To complete this particular weather description, you would need to provide the specific chapter or section reference where the description is found. Then, you can analyze how this weather description sets the tone for the plot developments you mentioned, highlighting the transition from the carefree summer to the impending darkness of winter.

Repeat this process for two more weather descriptions from the novel, making sure to provide the appropriate evidence and analysis for each one.

Remember, it's always best to refer back to the novel and use direct quotes or specific references to support your answers. Good luck with your exam!