A coordinate grid is used on the plan of a new housing development. fibre optic cable is being laid with a micro-tunnelling machine. THE CABLE WILL LINK POINTS BEGINNING at A and ending at D . if one unit on the grid represents 2.5m, how much cable is required?

pls help me

I wish I could see your figure that shows the grid and the points labelled A and D.

This is a good chance for you to describe what you see in the figure. For example:

"It is a rectangular grid of 12 x 14.
Point A is at the intersection of the fourth grid line from the bottom and second from the left...."

To determine the amount of cable required, we need to find the distance between points A and D on the coordinate grid.

Since the grid represents 2.5 meters per unit, we need to calculate the distance between A and D in units and then multiply it by 2.5 to get the total cable length in meters.

To find the distance between A and D, we need the coordinates of both points. Unfortunately, the question does not provide this information. Could you please provide the coordinates of points A and D on the grid?