Incidents of Basque violence are caused by their desire for _____.

1) educational opportunities
2) improved health care
3) increased wages
4) independence

I think it is 4. I just want to know if I am right. help?

Yes. They have been forbidden to teach their language (vascuence) and much like Native Northamericans it is harder to keep their language.


Ahh, okay. Thank you. (:

Yes, you are correct. Incidents of Basque violence are caused by their desire for independence. The Basque Country, located in northeastern Spain and southwestern France, has a distinct culture and history, and some Basque separatist groups have sought independence from these countries. These groups have engaged in acts of violence as part of their campaign for self-determination and political independence.

You are correct! The incidents of Basque violence are primarily driven by their desire for independence. The Basque people are an ethnic group living in the Basque Country, which spans across northern Spain and southwestern France. They have a distinct culture, language, and history, and there has been a longstanding movement seeking greater autonomy and even independence for the Basque region. This movement has led to sporadic violence and acts of terrorism by extremist separatist groups such as ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna). These groups aim to achieve Basque independence from Spain and/or France through political means and, unfortunately, violence.

To find the correct answer to this question, you can analyze the various options given and consider the historical and cultural context of the Basque region. In this case, option 4, independence, aligns with the known facts about the motivations behind Basque violence.