what is the correct verb form of yo, tu, and ustedes?

That is quite a question without knowing the verb. There are -ar, -er, -ir verbs and also irregular verbs that do not follow the "basic" pattern. Here are regular verbs conjugated:

hablar = to speak
yo hablo = I speak, I do speak, I am speaking (usually 3 English translations for each verb form.)
tú hablas
él/ella/usted habla
nosotros/nosotras hablamos
vosotros/vosotras hablais
ellos/ellas/ustedes hablan

If you have a text book, look in the back for the appendices. You should find both regular and irregular verbs conjugated there for you.

comer = to eat
yo como = I eat, I do eat, I am eatin g
tú comes
él/ella/usted come
nosotros/nosotras comemos
vosotros/vosotras comeis
elloa/ellas/ustedes comen

vivir = to live
yo vivo = I live, I do live, I am living
tú vives
él/ella/usted vive
nosotros/nosotras vivimos
vosotros/vosotras vivís
ellos/ellas/ustedes viven

Note that in every case the "yo" form ends in o. That the tú form ends in s. That the ustedes form ends in n. Those are the "markers."

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The correct verb forms for the pronouns "yo," "tú," and "ustedes" can vary depending on the specific verb tense and mood being used.

To find the correct verb form, you will need to know the verb's infinitive form and apply the appropriate endings for each pronoun.

1. "Yo" (I):
- For regular verbs in the present tense, you usually just need to remove the "-ar," "-er," or "-ir" ending from the verb and add the corresponding endings. For example, "hablar" (to speak) becomes "hablo" (I speak).
- For irregular verbs, you need to memorize the specific conjugation. For example, "ser" (to be) becomes "soy" (I am).

2. "Tú" (You):
- For regular verbs in the present tense, you remove the "-ar," "-er," or "-ir" ending and add the corresponding endings with some modifications. For example, "hablar" becomes "hablas" (you speak).
- For irregular verbs, the conjugation varies, and you need to memorize each one. For example, "ser" becomes "eres" (you are).

3. "Ustedes" (You all):
- For regular verbs in the present tense, you remove the "-ar," "-er," or "-ir" ending and add the corresponding endings with some modifications. For example, "hablar" becomes "hablan" (you all speak).
- For irregular verbs, the conjugation varies, and you need to memorize each one. For example, "ser" becomes "son" (you all are).

Remember that verb conjugation can change depending on the tense (e.g., present, past, future) and mood (e.g., indicative, subjunctive). So, it is essential to have a good understanding of the specific verb and its conjugation rules for each tense and mood.