In a test there were 25 multiple-choice questions. They were marked as follows:

2 marks for each correct answer
0 marks for a non-attempt
-1 mark for an incorrect answer.
Sarah attempted
5 of the questions and received 22 marks. How many questions did
she answer correctly?

Data confusing about how many Sarah attempted. Repost in clearer terms.

To find out how many questions Sarah answered correctly, let's set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's say Sarah answered x questions correctly.

Since each correct answer is awarded 2 marks, the total mark for the correct answers would be 2x.

Sarah also attempted 4x total questions (some of which might be incorrect).

Given that Sarah received 22 marks, we can set up the equation 2x - (4x - 5) = 22.

Now, let's solve for x:

2x - 4x + 5 = 22
-2x + 5 = 22
-2x = 22 - 5
-2x = 17
x = 17 / -2
x = -8.5

Since the number of correct questions cannot be negative, it seems there's an error in the calculation or information provided. Please double-check the given information or calculations.