what does "roster" mean?

Roster is a list of people. For instance each class in school has a roster showing the names of the students enrolled in that class.

what does that have to do with math?

I don't know. Why did you ask the question? Do you have a problem that mentions "roster?"

it was a vocabulary word

Ok. The only connection I can see with math is that a problem may refer to a roster -- such as 40% of the class roster of 30 students are males.

If its vocab why did u say math?

The term "roster" generally refers to a list or schedule of names, usually of individuals belonging to a particular group, organization, team, or institution. It provides a comprehensive record of individuals who are part of a group or entity.

To understand the meaning of a word or term like "roster," there are a few ways you can discover its definition and usage:

1. Dictionaries: Consulting reputable dictionaries, whether online or offline, is an excellent starting point. Websites like Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary offer comprehensive definitions, examples, and additional information on word usage.

2. Internet Search: Use a search engine to look up the term "roster" and examine various sources to gain a better understanding of its meaning and context. It is beneficial to explore reputable websites such as dictionaries, educational institutions, or professional organizations.

3. Contextual Analysis: Consider the context in which the word "roster" is used. This can help you infer its meaning by examining the surrounding words, sentences, or the topic being discussed. Sometimes, the context can provide clues about the term's definition.

4. Etymology: Exploring the origins of the word can provide insights into its meaning. For example, "roster" originates from the Old French word "rostre," which means "roll of names." Understanding the etymology of a word can provide a valuable historical and linguistic perspective.

Remember, the process of understanding a term involves exploring multiple sources, considering the context, and analyzing the available information to form an accurate understanding.