Which sentence below grammatically INCORRECT?

Jacob, my best friend, believes that he is as smart as I am.


If anyone understands the directions, it is she.


Everyone can learn from experience, if only they want.


If I were expected to recap the meeting, I'd have to say it was a complete waste of time.


Which one do you think is wrong?

Hint: look for pronoun/antecedent agreement.

Everyone can learn from experience, if only they want

To determine which sentence is grammatically incorrect, we need to analyze each sentence individually. Let's do that:

1. Jacob, my best friend, believes that he is as smart as I am.
- This sentence is grammatically correct. It uses appropriate punctuation and compares the intelligence of Jacob and the speaker correctly.

2. If anyone understands the directions, it is she.
- This sentence is grammatically correct too. It follows the correct subject-verb agreement and uses the pronoun "she" as the subject correctly.

3. Everyone can learn from experience, if only they want.
- This sentence is grammatically correct. It expresses a conditional statement correctly using the conjunction "if."

4. If I were expected to recap the meeting, I'd have to say it was a complete waste of time.
- This sentence is grammatically correct as well. It accurately uses the subjunctive mood by using "were" instead of "was" to express a hypothetical situation.

Therefore, all of the sentences provided are grammatically correct.