A liter of perspiration lost by the body represents _____ kcalories?

The heat of vaporization of water is 539calories/gram, so in a liter there is 1000 grams.

So in heat units, 1 liter of water is 539kcalories.
In your question, I am uncertain if you want calories or Food Calories.

To calculate the number of kilocalories (kcal) in a liter of perspiration lost by the body, you would need to know the heat loss rate due to sweating. This can vary depending on factors like exercise intensity, environmental conditions, and individual variations.

However, as a general rule of thumb, it is estimated that 1 liter of sweat contains approximately 580 kcal on average. This estimate takes into account the fact that sweat is mainly composed of water but also contains small amounts of electrolytes and other substances.

It's important to note that the number of kcalories lost through sweating does not translate to direct fat loss. Sweating primarily helps regulate body temperature and cool the body down, rather than being a direct measure of calories burned.

To monitor specific energy expenditure accurately, it is recommended to use methods like indirect calorimetry or heart rate monitoring, which take into account multiple factors including oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, heart rate, and individual characteristics.

Remember to stay properly hydrated during physical activity, as excessive fluid loss through sweat can lead to dehydration.