Identify the pronouns in each sentance. Then decide if its nominative (N), objective (O), or possesive (P). write your example accourding to the following example

Q: My favorite actor is better than yours.
A:My: P, yours; P

What sentences?

Both of your answers are correct.

To identify the pronouns in each sentence and determine their case (nominative, objective, or possessive), follow these steps:

1. Read the sentence and identify all the pronouns present.
2. Determine the role of each pronoun in the sentence (subject, object, or indicating possession).
3. Once you have identified the role of each pronoun, label it as nominative (N), objective (O), or possessive (P).

Here's an example:

Sentence: I gave him my book, and he gave me his.

Step 1: Identify the pronouns - I, him, my, he, me, his.
Step 2: Determine the role of each pronoun:
- I is the subject of the sentence.
- Him is the object of the verb "gave."
- My indicates possession.
- He is the subject of the second clause.
- Me is the object of the verb "gave."
- His indicates possession.
Step 3: Label each pronoun according to its case:
- I: N
- Him: O
- My: P
- He: N
- Me: O
- His: P

Keep in mind that in some cases, a pronoun might have different forms depending on its function in the sentence. For example, "I" is the nominative form, while "me" is the objective form.